On of the cards in the Golden Deck that seems to cause the most trouble is the Ten of Hearts, which is:
"Awarded for winning a game with limited redeals"
To get this achievement, you need to win in any of the games where you can set the deck to a particular number of deals.
In Klondike for instance:
1) Tap the Cog icon on the new game page, to open up the settings
2) Select a number of redeals (anything other than unlimited!)
3) Play the game, until you win. (This might take a few goes!)
For the purposes of getting the achievement, you might want to adjust some of the other settings to make it a bit more generous, such as changing the number of cards per deal to 1, tableau accepts anything, and make sure you have guaranteed solvable switched on, just to help you get a game that is winnable a bit more quickly!
At the end of the game where you win, you should now be awarded with the Ten of Hearts - congratulations!
In some earlier versions of Solitaire this achievement had a bug where you could (in some circumstances) miss getting it the first time, and then it would never be awarded in future games, however this was fixed from version 2 and above (along with many other bugs!), and so should not still persist. If you don't have version 2.0 or above we really would like you to upgrade!
If you are still having trouble getting this card, even after winning a game with the number of deals limited, please get in touch (including your Unique ID from the about screen!) and we can send a message to the game directly to unlock this card for you.