You can earn stamps - the tokens for playing the games - by watching video adverts or taking up other offers that you might see in the game.

Like the ads that play after daily puzzles, these are usually for other apps for your device.  Just like ads on TV they won't always be for something you're interested in (sorry!) but if you do see something you might like, tap on the button at the end of the ad to download it - you'll still get the stamps when you come back to the Astraware game!

At the end of each ad it will show an 'X' - usually in one of the top corners, just tap this to return back to the game and get your stamps.

We're hoping to add in different ways to get stamps over time!

Maximum stamps

There's a limit to how many stamps the game will let you hold - once you're getting above a thousand stored stamps (that's hundreds of puzzles worth!) you won't be able to watch any more videos until you've used some of the stamps, so if you don't see the option to watch videos, that's why - just play some puzzles again!