Latest Version Information
Here's our list of what's changing from version to version! We're including the release notes for what'll be in the next version too, so you can see what we've fixed and what we're working on. We try to submit versions for all the different devices at about the same time, but it sometimes takes one of them a bit longer to approve and make live.
If you'd like to help test any upcoming version - please get in touch with a message. We're always pleased to have people on board helping to check new releases, and you certainly don't have to be a high-tech person to help!
Version 1.72.000 (May 2018)
- Improvement to the built-in support system and FAQs
- Update to various SDKs for current device compatibility
Version 1.71.000 (May 2018)
- New built-in support system
- Various stability fixes
- Improvement to Prize Solitaire - the game will suggest resigning when there are no more obvious moves, but will let you continue if you think you can make more progress!
Version 1.70.003/5 (February 2018)
- Fixed an issue with purchase restore on Google Play devices
- Fixed an issue with leaving and returning to the app on Apple devices
Version 1.70.002 (January 2018)
- Spin2Win machine upgraded with more video availability
- Video views also give additional ad-free time in the main game (i.e. no interruptions during play!)
- See how much ad-free time remaining from the title screen
- Spin2Win 'doubler' bonus also doubles any spins won
- Many stability fixes
- Purchases should now restore automatically and stay upgraded
Version 1.62.002 (May 2017)
- Fix to an advert provider that was saving too much
- Fix for some screen layout issues on certain device resolutions - particularly affecting the Prize Solitaire game where some buttons couldn't be tapped.
- Ability to clear the system cache added if required (see FAQ item for more details!)
Version 1.62 (April 2017)
- Updated to latest system SDKs
- Switched to different advert provider - now the adverts (and the rewarded videos) should be more appropriate to our players!
Version 1.60 (November 2016)
- Switched to a single purchasable item (VIP Pass) that unlocks everything in the game
- New Built-In Support System
- Spin 2 Win bonus game adjusted to only have ads available (the previous mini-game option wasn't working for everyone!)
- Support for some additional resolution sizes (large screen tablets, including iPad Pro)
- Improved scaling for many devices
- Support for latest OS versions (iOS, Android)
- Faster loading on many devices