The aim of Astraware Wordsearch is to find all of the words in the puzzle.
To select a word, drag from the first letter of the word to the last, then release. If you've found one of the valid words in the list, it'll be accepted and that word will be removed from the list.
The words might be hidden in any of the directions - including diagonals, upwards and even backwards!
You can tap and hold any letter in the grid, and it will highlight all of those letters in the grid - this can really help with spotting words with unusual letters!
You can also tap and hold on any of the words in the list at the bottom, the grid will then highlight all occurrences of the first letter of that word to help you to scan for it.
You can drag beyond the end of the word and release, and it will snap back to the end - this helps on a phone or tablet device as it means you don't need to be perfectly accurate at the end, when your finger may be covering up the end of the word!