
We're always glad to have new beta testers on board! We especially like to have people willing to put in a critical eye, and feed back with comments about our new products. This helps us stay sharp and helps to make sure that all our new releases are as good as they can be!

We used to run our beta tests via our own bulletin board (remember those?) but more recently we've moved them to an Astraware Beta Testers Facebook group and a Google+ Community for Astraware Beta Testers. You can be a member of both - and we try to post onto both about new betas.

You're welcome to join either or both, and sign up to help with the betas as we work on them.  There's no cost to doing this, and you're not obligated to test everything (after all, we know you won't be interested in all of our games!) but we'll be very happy to get confirmations that things are working OK (or otherwise!).