Kriss Kross FAQ

Help and instructions for Kriss Kross

How to play Kriss Kross
The Aim The aim of Kriss Kross is to fill in the whole grid using the list of words provided. Some words will only fit in one place, some words could fi...
Tue, 17 Apr, 2018 at 4:00 PM
Kriss Kross Extra Features
Selecting words and highlighting places You can tap on any of the words in your word list and it will highlight all of the places on the grid where that ...
Fri, 29 Apr, 2016 at 4:08 PM
Problems with picking up words or moving the boxes
How does Kriss Kross decide what to do when I tap on a word? Kriss Kross (from version 2 and on) tries to be helpful, and when you move one of the...
Fri, 29 Apr, 2016 at 4:28 PM
Kriss Kross - Latest Release Notes
Here's our list of what's changing from version to version!  We're including the release notes for what'll be in the next version to...
Sat, 19 May, 2018 at 6:59 PM
Kriss Kross Words
We have a large dictionary of words which we use for Kriss Kross! Because you don't actually have to know the meaning of the words to be able to play ...
Tue, 17 Apr, 2018 at 4:02 PM